Sunday, May 19, 2024

No headline

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

We want to speak in favor of Heather Scott. We know her to be a true conservative and completely honest and transparent. She is dedicated to conservative principles and she is a very hard worker. We know that she doesw not play the political game that goes on in Boise and elsewhere. That game consists of accepting almost daily invitations to a free lunch, or to be wined and dined at dinner. The game is called going along to get along. When a person of character, like Heather Scott, has strength enough to stand against the entrenched game players, the “game players” name them extremist.

We believe Heather Scott proudly accepts the title of extremist knowing what former US. Sen. Barry Goldwater said about extremism: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”

Resorting to personal attacks on a candidate, and calling the candidate names instead of attacking policy is for the uninformed.

We urge you to vote for Heather Scott.


Priest River