Sunday, May 19, 2024

No headline

| November 4, 2016 1:00 AM

Everyone, please put on your “thinking caps” regarding the allegations of thuggery toward a millennial Democrat operative.

Q: What is missing?

A: Video? Pictures? Audio?

At my advanced age, I can turn my phone to video in two seconds.

So Kate is telling the voters that a person this age would not have videoed the event, even when the acts were allegedly repeated? Is that not how today’s 20 somethings handle anything, good, bad or in between?

Nope, had this happened, the world would have been able to see it on YouTube within 30 minutes of its alleged occurrence. I doubt that anything happen at all, but dishonesty is Kate’s dominant trait, so she’ll say anything to stir up the blue dotters in Sandpointistan.

Democrats depend on a lack of common sense to grab your vote. Kate wants to focus on anything other than how poorly she treated the 400 businesses in the BID. She personally profited by running that cartel into the ground and she wants to do the same thing for the state!

Don’t fall for it. It’s just another lie.

