Friday, January 10, 2025

Voting decisions are easier than we think

| November 6, 2016 1:00 AM

Are you as tired of the nasty banter surrounding the election as I am? With each race the rhetoric seems to get worse. In the 1970s and 1980s, it seemed limited to presidential races but now it’s seen in the local races and our area has witnessed the nastiness of a campaign.

A recent Facebook post by Rep. Heather Scott is a continuation of blaming someone else for the ills of the area; more directly, blame the media for anything she doesn’t agree with. It’s the same tactic used throughout history. Control the message of the media, burn books, create instability through fear and intimidation and in this case, banter the case that your liberties will be removed if you don’t side with us.

Last I checked, this country is based on differing opinions. Rep. Scott is quick to throw media under the bus for being biased but I would challenge her to provide specifics. In fact, we have worked with Heather on several stories through Keith Kinnard but it’s much easier to be evasive and blame us as “the media” then engage with us and tell her message.

But let’s be clear here. We have made several attempts to have Heather come in and talk. We set up a Facebook Live Feed, with planned questions ahead of time, six weeks prior to the date, prior to her other engagements. After 10 days of hearing nothing, we received a simple “I appreciate the offer but will decline at this time.” No reason given.

I appreciate Heather’s service as the District 1A representative to the Idaho Legislature. I appreciate her passion for the Constitution and her meticulous concern about the application of the Second Amendment. It seems pretty clear to me that we should enjoy the right to bear arms. I am a concealed licensed carrier myself, although I feel much safer in Sandpoint than I did on the farm in Moses Lake and have found it unnecessary to “pack” other than when out in my Razor. (Wild wolves, you know).

But I am concerned that my elected representative is quick to throw others, who may disagree, under the bus and blame the media. The only pieces, gracing the pages of the Daily Bee have been letters to the editor and guest editorials, both supporting and opposing views from those of Rep. Scott and her supporters. In addition, we had a story, based on a police report, that concerned alleged harassment, which we covered, much the same way we would cover a story if a “liberal” were harassing someone from the tea party. I guess if this is the reason she is labeling us as liberal then we wear the badge proudly, because we are giving everyone a voice as should she. My friends laugh when I get tagged a liberal. I’d prefer the label “common sense optimist.”

The media, newspapers in particular, are here to hold elected officials accountable as one of their clearly defined responsibilities taught to journalism students across the country. Our goal is to engage and report on the activities of our elected officials and, frankly, Rep. Scott has made this nearly impossible. My expectation, as a voter in the district, is for Rep. Scott to at least entertain and engage her constituents whether they agree with her or not. My expectation as a publisher is to make herself available, in person, over the phone or through email, when questions arise or if there is an issue that needs to be addressed. It’s called access and part of her constituents’ expectation is that she be accessible. It seems that, unless we agree on everything, she is inaccessible.

Since she isn’t willing to listen to an audience in person I thought I would throw a few concerns to Rep. Scott that need to be addressed.

The area needs living wage jobs. Does this mean a mandated increase in the minimum wage? Heck no, but people should have the opportunity to live in our area and make a wage, through job opportunities, that allows them to stay and work here. I believe in the free enterprise system and less government interference in business. Companies such as Quest, Aerocet, Tamarack Aerospace, Idaho Forest Group, Emedco, Thorne Research and others should get help at the state level to stay here, grow here and increase their job offerings here. Take the time to tour some of these companies and understand what their challenges are.

We need state level support to increase the opportunities for vocational programs such as PTECH. If we look back at our history, this country was created and made great because we built things. Let’s bolster that and provide educational opportunities that will allow us to build things again. Skills such as welding, fabrication, electronics, software development, etc, should be readily available without going to college.

I do appreciate her genuine concern for veterans and agree that they get the raw end of the deal most of the time. Keep up the efforts to help on the local level but the real effort needs to happen at the federal level.

Let’s drop some things that aren’t as important at this time such as transferring federal lands to the state. I don’t think we can afford the mortgage on that one right now anyway. (And mortgage rates are very cheap at the moment) It appears that she was successful in her open carry law changes, so we shouldn’t have to hear about that one anymore. Her supporters were adamantly opposed to the Lake Pend Oreille School District plant facilities levy so I would hope that she would urge some of those same people to serve on a committee to find a solution.

With all that said, the next statement should be obvious. I am endorsing Kate McAlister for the Idaho Legislature District 1A seat. Kate has worked tirelessly in the Sandpoint community to help local businesses, improve the local economy, support local tourism and push for local grants. What you see is what you get, an honest, hard-working, not-afraid-to-call-it-like-it-is spitfire who also has the ability to create consensus. She has always been easy to engage, willing to listen and very persuasive when needed. She has the respect of many in the community based on her actions, not her rhetoric and I am extremely proud to call her my friend.

I’m not looking at a tag of liberal, Democrat, conservative, redoubter, Republican, etc. I’m looking at her track record locally and her common sense. We don’t agree on everything but I at least know she will listen.

For full disclosure I am on the board of directors for the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce because I am a former small business owner and believe in the mission of the chamber, which is to promote small business. Which, by the way as a group, are the largest employers in the country.

Regardless of who wins, I would hope they are willing to engage the community for which they serve. Last I checked, a representative’s paycheck comes from the taxes paid by all their constituents, however meager it may be for the effort.

