Sunday, May 19, 2024

No headline

| November 22, 2016 12:00 AM

This is an observation regarding recent events and Bee articles concerning local youth. There’s been a lot of talking about “social and emotional well-being” without any mention of spiritual well-being. Could there be a deeper “root problem?”

When students are taught evolution as the only explanation of origins, they are essentially being taught that they are evolved animals, and that there is no real purpose to life. If you teach them that they are evolved animals, should we really be surprised when they act like animals? Bullying is perfectly consistent with an evolutionary view of origins. In the jungle, strong animals prey on weaker animals. This is supposedly what makes organisms become more “fit” and drives evolution. Where is the place for morality and compassion if we evolved from lower life forms by the mechanism of survival of the fittest (the strong killing the weak)? Gangs, fighting, violence, and even school shootings are perfectly consistent with an evolutionary view of origins.

Believing the religion of evolution can produce a hopeless, purposeless view of life (nihilism). This is the perfect mental state for depression and suicidal ideation to set in.

If I am right in my assessment, as long as the root remains intact (brainwashing students to believe in evolution at taxpayer expense), we can all expect more fruit. Maybe spiritual darkness and an absence of God and His word are the problem. A broken femur cannot be cured with a Band-Aid, and spiritual problems cannot be solved by shallow solutions.

