Thursday, March 06, 2025

Beware of jury scamming in Bonner County

| September 25, 2016 1:00 AM

We are reaching out to the community, first, to alert you to a possible jury scam. The Jury Office has received several recent reports of a local jury scam. Members of the public report receiving threatening phone calls from individuals claiming to be from the Jury Office. The callers demand personal information or payment for supposed noncompliance with jury service.

The Bonner County Jury Office would never call a juror and demand he or she provide personal information over the phone. Nor would it ever ask for any payment for noncompliance with jury service. If you think you have been part of a jury scam, please contact the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency dispatch number at 208-265-5525. If your issue is not resolved, please call the Jury Office at 208-265-1443.

The second reason we are reaching out is to explain our procedure for selecting jurors and summoning them into court for jury service. Recently, there have been articles in the Daily Bee concerning the fact that a warrant was issued when a person failed to comply with a jury summons. It is very important that the public knows that we make every attempt to contact jurors and that warrants are very rarely issued. It is also important that the public understands how jurors are selected and how to get in contact with the Jury Office.

In Bonner County, about 350 potential jurors are randomly selected from a master list of county residents each month for a one month period of jury service. The master jury list is drawn from voter registration and driver’s license lists. After you complete your one month of jury service, you are exempt from serving again for two years. When you reach age 70, you are given the opportunity to be permanently exempt from jury service, but may choose to serve if you wish.

Once the computer randomly selects the names, we mail out an Order to Appear for Jury Service and an accompanying Jury Qualification Questionnaire. We mail these documents out approximately six weeks prior to your month of service to give you ample time to plan for your jury service. Jurors are asked to return the questionnaire to the Jury Office in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope within 10 days.

When a questionnaire is not returned, the Jury Office goes through a lengthy process to attempt to locate and contact the individual. Until the juror makes contact with us, we have no idea why they are not returning the questionnaire. Jurors who have scheduling conflicts, medical conditions, child care issues, special work conditions and other issues that make jury service difficult or impossible can apply for a postponement or for a temporary or permanent exemption from jury service.

The Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Idaho guarantee all citizens the right to trial by jury. Serving on a jury is a civic and patriotic obligation which all good citizens should perform. It affords you an opportunity to be a part of the judicial process; the process by which the legal affairs and liberties of your fellow citizens are determined and protected under our form of government. Most jurors tell us that it is also informative and rewarding. The Jury Office and courthouse staff try very hard to make jurors comfortable during their service.

If you have any questions or concerns about jury service or about your receipt of an “Order to Appear for Jury Service” or a “Jury Qualification Questionnaire,” please contact the Jury Office. Our telephone number is 208-265-1443, our fax number is 208-265-1475, and our email address is For more information regarding jury service, including a list of “Frequently Asked Questions,” please visit our jury website found at


Bonner County Jury Commissioner


First District Judge