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Trump’s campaign seems to be going remarkably well, considering he’s a nonprofessional politician and says too much. This is the reason he hasn’t received support from the members of his own party. Trump has stated his position on the issues, alienating those opposed to his views.
Hillary has yet to state her position on any issues. Hillary’s campaign has been a criticism of Trump. Based on her record she is dishonest and untrustworthy. Hillary is also many times a proven liar. Anyone believing anything Hillary says is a fool. Her record as Secretary of State is deplorable and embarrassing, and shows her to be an incompetent with poor judgment. The investigation of her emails confirms her utter disregard for national security. If Hillary is elected president we will have a continuation of the last eight years.
The passage of the Congressional Reform Act is imperative and desperately needed by the American people. It limits congressional pay raises, eliminates the special retirement fund and health benefits and put congressional members on Social Security and Medicare with everyone else. This will make Congress more responsive to the people they represent.