Friday, May 17, 2024

No headline

| April 11, 2017 1:00 AM

I believe most parents of children in Bonner County schools would like to know their children are not being targeted by administrators or teachers with beliefs antithetical to their own. But apparently this is exactly what has been happening at the Forrest Bird Charter School under the watchful eyes of at least two teachers and with the full knowledge and backing of Principal Mary Jensen. Without parental consent or knowledge, at least one student was recruited to participate in the Gay-Straight Alliance club held off campus. When approached by legal counsel representing the parents, the charter board’s statement called the allegations “baseless.” Yet, there is a recording with Principal Jensen that clearly corroborates the legal allegations. If parental involvement is so critical, as the school alleges, why keep secrets from parents?

If you are the parent of a child in our district, here’s what you need to ask for: 1) all student clubs must have written parent permission; and 2) that non-curricular “student-led clubs” must indeed be “student-led,” and any attendance by school personnel is in their official capacity for supervisory purposes only. A reprimand for the school staff who violated the Idaho Teacher Code of Ethics by using “institutional privileges for the promotion of political activities.”

