Saturday, May 18, 2024

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| April 16, 2017 1:00 AM

The most serious threat to the proposed Scotchman Peaks Wilderness area is not the hypothetical possibility that it might someday in the distant future be developed, mined, or logged (except as necessary to remove dead and diseased trees). By far the biggest threat is steadily increasing climate change, which all reputable scientists agree is going to continue and result in more and more catastrophic wildfires. I find it hard to believe that supporters of this proposed wilderness could be lined up with Donald Trump as climate change deniers.

We need roads and access by any mechanical means as close as possible to any area that might burn. Having the road access now would certainly be better than waiting until a dry lightning storm starts a slew of fires in the county. This would also allow locals to gather dead and diseased trees for firewood. As they have ably done in the past, USFS can, in the event of a dangerous fire season, close all Forest Service roads, with access only by special permit.

As the state of Colorado has discovered, wildfires seriously degrade vital water supplies. Here they are a threat to our lakes and streams. Wilderness supporters should take note that the Nature Conservancy, a leading environmental group in this country, is selectively removing and thinning trees in Washington and Oregon, to reduce the risks of wildfires. We all need to recognize that climate change is real, will continue to get worse for the foreseeable future, and will result in more catastrophic wildfires. Nobody wants to see the Scotchman Peaks area to go up in smoke.

