Friday, May 17, 2024

No headline

| April 23, 2017 1:00 AM

Bombing a Syrian airfield in reaction to the gassing of Syrian children may or may not have been the right thing to do, but the way Trump went about it was certainly very wrong. In this, he again went off half cocked, for which he should be impeached, assuming that our representatives are not just a bunch of wimps.

If the president wants to start a war, the Constitution requires that he present the idea to Congress, the only branch of the government allowed to issue a declaration to fight.

Furthermore, before overthrowing a bully dictator, careful consideration must be given to what we must do following his demise, which we failed to do after we got rid of Hussein in Iraq and Gaddafi in Libya. After Hitler was deposed, we set up the Marshal Plan to help Germany become a responsible democracy.

In addition, instead of rejecting the agreement with Iran regarding nuclear development, Trump might try issuing a sincere apology for the US part in overthrowing Mosaddeh and installing Pahlavi, a brutal Shah, who was eventually tossed out and the theocratic ayatollahs took over. Those ayatollahs support ISIS, which has become a monumental nuisance.

