Saturday, November 16, 2024

No headline

| December 5, 2017 12:00 AM

The wide, extended curbs on some of the corners downtown, with some having sharp iron angled borders around the turn are a real hazard to tires. Coming home from Spokane one night, coming into town on First, turning left on Pine, proceeding to and turning right on Fourth, with a new expensive set of snowtires purchased that morning, I turned too close and “wham.” The rear tire hit that sharp metal-topped curb and, you guessed it. When one hits that curb, the tire is compressed between the sharp curb and the edge of the steel or aluminum wheel.

As far as the design of those extended wide covners; very negative. At times when there is a car stopped in the other lane, which was the case with me, and they are close to the center line, there isn’t much room between their car and the curb. Add darkness, and some snow, and good luck folks.

