Monday, October 14, 2024

Support system can aid in fitness goals

| February 8, 2017 12:00 AM

We all try to maintain that healthy physique throughout the entire calendar year. Between our existing work week, shuffling kids around, laundry, grocery store and basically just trying to keep up, we often lose sense of where our own health and wellness fits in to the mix.

If you don’t put yourself on that lengthy list of priorities, somewhere preferably near the top of the list, you will wake up one day wondering where the years have gone. How could I let myself go? Little Johnny is graduating already, seems like yesterday he was in diapers. You have got to start taking control of your life and your health. Why in the world would you continue to wait any longer? What exactly are you waiting for? Do you even know the answer?

I am a mom just like the rest of you. I understand the time constraints, outside commitments, sports schedules, grocery store trips, etc. Everyone has a to-do list a mile long that never truly gets completely finished before you need to add, yet another, thing to do.

The merry-go-round of taking care of everyone and everything else but you and your health is constantly moving.

Guess what? You can choose to get off the merry-go-round. Just make a decision and get off the craziness.

Do something positive for you. If you aren’t motivated to get moving and incorporate exercise in your daily, yes daily, routine, then find someone who you can buddy up with to help you get motivated.

Trust me, your results will keep you motivated.

Natalie is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at