Friday, May 17, 2024

No headline

| January 24, 2017 12:00 AM

I would like to respond to the guest opinion (Jan. 17, 2017) by Nancy Gerth. Women’s health and reproductive rights?

I would beg to differ with Nancy with her assessment that Rep. Tom Price falsely claimed that no woman in America has had difficulty paying for birth control. I would just say that Rep. Price had a poor choice of words. What he should have said is birth control is absolutely free to all woman because life is full of choices. The free choice is abstinence. I didn’t even need an advanced college degree to figure that out.

The sexual revolution is a war fought on numerous fields. It includes the abuse of “free speech” to legalize the vilest and most explicit forms of pornography. It includes attacking all thoughts of traditional gender norms and labeling as “hateful bigots” those who want bathrooms segregated by biological sex differences. It involves abortion (murdering 3,000 innocent babies daily) on demand and the elimination of any restriction on the procedure. It includes making promiscuity the norm and chastity the aberration. It includes elevation of homosexuality as a positive good.

Our society has rejected wholesale the very notion of vice — with one exception. The only vice our culture will now recognize is the refusal to join the revolutionaries in their quest for sexual “liberation.” Its one thing to forgive sin, it’s another to sanction it. Confirm Price.

