Sunday, October 13, 2024

Something good is going down in Cocolalla

by Jerry Favor
| July 28, 2017 1:00 AM


(Courtesy photo) Fun at a past Cocolalla Bible Camp.

This week is my first time to be involved with a youth camp at Cocolalla Bible camp. I am working as a “pastor dean” to help deal with discipline or relationship problems among the campers. As I drove in I could hear the screams of children echoing across the parking lot. Was it a rabid bear or a directionally challenges skunk terrorizing the campers? Should I call 911? I quickly discovered that my fears were totally unfounded! There were over a hundred little kids having a great time getting totally soaked with an array of water games on a very hot day! Many, like myself, have lived here for years unaware of a very good thing happening in our backyard.

Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp Inc. is a non profit organization affiliated with In FAITH Ministries and is located just west of the Cocolalla post office. They offer camps of various forms throughout the year. The focal point of the camp is the 4 weeks of camps for youth from 7-18 years of age as well as year around activities of all ages. They minister to kids from single parent homes, foster homes, homes with parents struggling with addictions, as well to kids from traditional 2 parent homes.

Throughout each week the kids participate in different skill sets such as horse back riding, canoeing, fishing, water games, crafts, archery, rifle range instruction, etc. The camp is run by an entirely volunteer staff that includes some very energetic teenagers. The staff are well trained and have a knack for making everything unforgettable to where even the eating of a simple meal is turned into an excitingly loud experience!

The main part of the camp is the chapel times where the kids all learn how Jesus loves them, died for them, forgive them of their sins, so that they could be saved and become a child of God. From chapel services to separate cabin devotionals kids are loved, listened to, encouraged, and directed to Jesus who loves them. It was uplifting to see a few sour faced kids with belligerent attitudes grow smiles by the middle of the week due to the efforts of loving and caring staff and counselors.

There is something really good going on in Cocolalla all through the summer! Go to to educate yourself about how your neighboring camp is changing the lives of young people and showing the love of Jesus to all ages. Maybe YOUR kids can be a part of this good thing happening. Maybe YOU can volunteer or even give financially to help this non-profit as they show the love of Christ to our youth. They are truly taking to heart Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Pastor Jerry Favor is pastor at Victory Baptist Church.