Friday, January 10, 2025

Richard Miller

| May 11, 2017 1:00 AM

1. I was asked to consider this position. Prior to submitting my candidacy, I met with a retired county official whom I respect and two LPOSD board officers. I was encouraged to seek the trustee position and submitted my candidacy based on the expectation that we could work effectively together.

2. It doesn’t matter what I believe. The voters will choose the candidate they believe would best represent their interests.

3. The 3,500 property owners and voters and their ideas should they choose to participate. An opportunity for Zone 2 to be actively involved in their school board by communicating via web-based media and email. Over 40 years of business and creative problem-solving experience.

4. To remind the taxpayers and parents that this is their school board. Bottom-up governance not a top down dictatorship. Take back your voice and be heard. Also to champion a robust career training and life skills program to benefit the students who are not college bound.

5. To empower citizens to take back control of their priorities for the school district. The direction and criteria should be directed by the citizens, not by a distant bureaucracy.

6. Yes. Our daughter graduated in 2014. I still enjoy watching soccer and football games. Our Injectors Car Club supports the car raffle at Lost in the '50s to raise money for SHS football program.

7. To support an education that is relevant for all our students, college bound, vocational/career training and those going directly into the work force upon graduation. We must be vigilante to ensure our rights and choices are not usurped by the few.

8. Common Core without common sense. Academics and career training — one size does not fit all.

9. According to U.S. News, Sandpoint High ranked No. 2189 nationally, earning a silver medal. Schools are ranked based on performance, state-required tests and how well they prepare students for college. The College Readiness Index states 26 percent of our students are prepared for college coursework. The remaining 74 percent are underserved by our school’s curriculum.

10. Criticism from narrow-minded vocal minority, devoid of facts.

“For those who know me, no explanation is necessary. For those who don’t know me, no explanation will suffice.” — J. Lewis

“Vote the facts not the fantasy.” — R. Miller

11. Vote; get engaged in your community. Expect more from your zone trustee through involvement.

12. Do you truly respect and appreciate the sacrifice of our military, law enforcement and emergency services and their families?

Without their sacrifice, we would not have this privilege to vote. God bless them, one and all.