Thursday, March 06, 2025

Lewis Rich

| November 3, 2017 1:00 AM

1. What inspired you to run for elected office?

Have enjoyed living in Bonner County for nearly 38 years. Have been involved as a volunteer fireman for nearly 34 years both in the city of Sandpoint and Northside Fire District. Was also involved in Search and Rescue for over 20 years. I feel giving back to the community is an essential part of good citizenship.

2. What unique qualifications would you bring to the office that no one else could match?

Having spent 28-plus years in a successful small business, I have first-hand experience in the economy of Bonner County. My 34 years of experience within the volunteer fire program of Bon-ner Coun-ty gives me great re- spect and in- sight into how the volunteer fire departments have been formed and operated successfully. I am currently serving in my third term as Fire commissioner in the North-side Fire Dist with 19+ years as a volunteer with the Dist also. Squeek- y clean credit and criminal re- cord. Check me and any of the current candidates out on the Idaho State Repository or any other credible information sight.

3. What are the most important issues facing the community?

Providing the best and most up to date Fire department to the tax payers in the Northside Fire Dist within the budget provided by the tax payers. We have, provided great strides in personnel management and up to date fire apparatus. We have also as a board of Commissioners been very sensitive to the needs of the Dist and very transparent to our tax paying community. All of our efforts towards this end are not only in progress, but have been successful for many years and resulted in lower fire insurance for our Northside Fire Dist property owners which can be verified by the State Of Idaho Survey and Ratings Bureau.

4. How would you address these issues?

Conservative budget practices are VERY important to providing the best fire suppression practices possible. These practices will continue under my leadership. Being aware of the needs of a continually growing community is also extremely important. If you check the records available, the performance of the Northside Fire Dist is extremely good and a very good value to our tax payers. If you check the current levy rates in all of the Fire districts in Bonner Co this can be easily verified.

5. If elected, what legacy would you hope to create? Why?

Providing the best possible Volunteer Fire Dist services possible with sound budgeting practices and grant participation to supplement an ever growing demand for fire suppression. Retaining quality volunteers and quality equipment from personal protective equipment to late model repairable apparatus including extrication equipment.

6. How do you foresee your typical workday as an elected official?

Making good management decisions and using outstanding, qualified Operations Management. Also when considering service expansion and increased budget necessities allowing the taxpayer to ultimately make the decision instead of ramming it down their throats as a tax increase.

7. What do you look forward to after you are elected?

Continuing to offer the best deal for Northside Fire Dist property owners possible and keeping that service within budget.

8. What’s the harshest criticism you expect to face on the campaign trail and how would you respond to such criticism?

Not sure how any informed taxpayer would be able to criticize any thing we have done over the last several years? If there are any questions with regard to departmental budget and overall operations, I would be happy to take phone calls on any topic?

9. If you could only get one thing across to voters during your campaign, what would it be?

Finding my opponent’s bullet points on his recent campaign flier to be a mirror image of what we are now doing and have been doing for many years! I wonder what his hidden agenda might be? Consolidation? Consideration of labor union installation? What’s he up to?

10. What question should every candidate be asked? What is your answer?

Do you have a hidden agenda? And if you do, why wouldn’t you be transparent with the voters as to what that agenda is? My record is clear, consistent, and verifiable if you choose to check with Northside Fire Management.