Saturday, October 12, 2024

Random thoughts of good health and fitness

| October 18, 2017 1:00 AM

I’ve had a few random thoughts of fitness. And they all add up to one thing, fitness, fun and you. (OK, three things)

- In today’s hectic world with people telling you where to go and who to be — don’t ya think it’s time to just be you and possibly do nothing? Besides: Some of my best “think time” is when I’m taking an afternoon walk or clanking the weights. But, that’s me.

- Second, consistency may not feel sexy but if you wanna see results — ya gotta be willing to get a little “ugly” in the process. If you think that we all just smack on a little lip-gloss and toss our hair around while we walk on the treadmill with our phone in hand and googling skinny-butt workouts that don’t make us sweat like a pig. Think again.

- I’m loving this new goal setting routine I’ve set. Every day, I have a goal established. Little baby-goals, that lead me toward my bigger goals. Sounds like fun, right? It is. Try it yourself. You’ll be amazed at what you can do and accomplish.

It’s more than just a simple dream when you talk about something, you establish an actual plan of action to reach that “something” and you do what needs to be done in order for everything to fall into place.

It’s all fun and games — sitting on the living room floor creating your vision board like we are in kindergarten. But the real work happens when that creation comes to life. Do you have a vision board?

- “The most effective way to do it … is to do it.”

~ Amelia Earhart

Sounds pretty simple right? If it is so extremely simple and clearly a “no-brainer,” then why don’t more women step into their own power and do it?

I think we should all pause and make sure that our expectations match our effort. It doesn’t make any sense to pray for a solution or something “bigger” to come into our life if we aren’t willing to move our feet. Right folks? It’s time to stop talking and start doing.

- You could wait for a sunny day.

You could wait for the perfect music to be on your iPod.

You could wait for a reliable workout partner.

You could wait for a Monday to roll around. You could wait until January. You could wait until the clouds part and the birds sing. You could wait, but why?

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional, Team Isagenix athlete and can be reached at