Wednesday, October 09, 2024

No headline

| October 24, 2017 1:00 AM

A lot of people voted for Donald Trump to “make America great” again? For those of you who did, I invite you to respond to the concerns I present here.

Is his “fight” with the possibly lunatic dictator of North Korea of any use? Trump with his brash talk is risking nuclear war, the deaths of millions of people and the collapse of the world economy.

Is going back on his promise to keep Medicaid intact and helping the Republican Congress to cut it so millions of children, adults, and seniors (in nursing homes) will lose coverage making America great again?

Is allowing CHIP or Children’s Health Insurance Program for 9 million kids to expire making America great again?

Is gutting the ACA by executive order with no viable replacement so that premiums will rise even higher under TrumpKare, and millions of people will not be able to afford insurance again making things great? Is threatening to veto any bipartisan attempts by Sens. Patty Murray, D-Washington; and Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee; to reduce costs under the ACA making America great?

Is his tax cut proposal that gives some of us who are not wealthy a biscuit, and some nothing, while he and his rich cohorts get steak dinners of tax cuts making America great?

Is Trump’s backing of coal companies and letting China be the leader in wind and solar and high-tech batteries and electric cars — the world’s future — making America great again? Remember how President Eisenhower and America reacted when the Soviets launched Sputnik, the world’s first satellite? Hint: Not like Trump. We competed and won the space race.

You tell me which of these issues make America great? Let’s hear, please.

