Friday, October 11, 2024

Sam Walker gives up his 'smokes' to aid war effort

| April 11, 2018 1:00 AM

100 Years ago — 1918

Sacrifices for the

war effort

As a shining example of what others might do, the Times cannot refrain from remarking, even though he may get sore at us, how Sam Walker, president of the Order of Good Fellows, has denied himself “smokes” and is buying himself a thrift stamp every day with the savings. This is the first case we have heard of in Priest River of a person who has sacrificed a real pleasure to help the government. Why not organize a society, Sam, the entry to which can be gained by the practice of some self-denial.

90 Years Ago — 1928

New at the Savoy Hotel

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spray, formerly in the hotel business in Wisconsin, but living in the Priest River country for the past year, have taken over the Savoy Hotel.

80 Years ago — 1938

Poisonous spider found

A black widow spider was found by Robert Keyser at his home east of town. A few have been found in this section, although it is not a very common occurrence.

70 Years Ago — 1948

Girls’ basketball ends season.

The Priest River girls’ basketball team finished the 1947-48 season with 18 wins and two losses and won first place in the tournament at Spirit Lake. Team members were Rosemary Bergdorf, Pauline Peterson, Evelyn Veltri, captain; Lois Miles, Pat Armstrong, Mabel Kondo, Wilda Armstrong, Bernita Foss, Faye Haskins, Beverly Doe, Marlene Pederson, Jean Faye Guadanal, manager; Darleen Peterson, Betty Brooks, Gloria Badraun, Josephine Oldham, Relma Low, Pat Low and Vera Mullaley.

60 Years Ago-1958

Northern Lights tries again for dam approval

The application of Northern Light, Inc., to build a dam and hydroelectric project on Priest Lake is still under consideration by the Federal Power Commission. … A license to build the dam would let Northern Lights get its foot in the door for eventual control of the full river. In fact, the application contains a portent in the form of a statement that “Dam site No. 4 will be the next unit applied for” and that other downstream sites will be developed if possible.

50 Years Ago — 1968

Miss Idaho has local ties

The new Miss Idaho-USA is none other than Anna Marie Evenson, daughter of former residents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Evenson, who now live at Post Falls, and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hammons of the Peninsula.

40 Years Ago — 1978

Rick and Cindy plan to wed

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coleman of Priest River announce the engagement of their daughter Cindy to Rick Pettit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pettit of Priest Lake. A June wedding is planned at Priest Lake Community Church.

30 Years Ago — 1988

Canoeing accident claims man

The body of Doug Laubenthaul, 25, of Priest River was recovered from the waters of Blue Lake Saturday. He had disappeared under the surface of the lake Friday afternoon as a rescuer was trying to reach Laubenthaul and his canoeing partner after the canoe the two were in capsized. Clint Winterfield, 27, of Newport was rescued and sent by ambulance to Newport Community Hospital. Phil Samph, a resident near the lake, heard calls for help, borrowed a neighbor’s boat and rowed about 200 yards to the scene. Laubenthaul had gone under the water and Winterfield was standing “waist-deep in the reeds, Samph said.

20 Years Ago — 1998

Slaughter wins award

Dave Slaughter, co-owner of JD Lumber mill in Priest River, was presented with the Sam Walton Business Leader Award at a Greater Sandpoint Chamber luncheon Thursday. Named after the founder of Wal-Mart, the award recognizes business leaders’ dedication to customer service, respect for employees, and pursuit of excellence.

10 Years Ago — 2008

Hopkins takes honors

Spartan tri-athlete Lacy Hopkins was nominated in volleyball, basketball, track, and took home the distinguished North Idaho Female Athlete of the Year award at the 46h annual North Idaho Sports Banquet in Coeur d’Alene.

— Compiled by MARYLYN CORK