Thursday, October 10, 2024

Walking in freedom

by Pastor Wesley Ribeiro
| August 3, 2018 1:00 AM

First I would like to make some statements about what freedom is and what it isn’t.

Freedom is not something we can bring to ourselves; rather, it is the work of God. Freedom is not found in the absence of God or his commands. Freedom exists where the Spirit of God is. Freedom is not being able to do “whatever one wants,” but is in reality the freedom from the debilitating effects of sin. True freedom is not for oneself or for one’s own needs. True freedom is the freedom to obey God and to serve others.

Walking in freedom includes some basic foundations that if ignored will lead us back into slavery. It’s not just walking out of prison but it also involves walking into a new life.

I would like to name three things that will keep you walking free.

- Walk in forgiveness. This means to receive God’s forgiveness, forgive others that have hurt you and forgive yourself. Giving and receiving forgiveness is one of the most effective ways to live free. Walk out of hurt and into healing. Confess your sin, hurt, shame and let it all go! Release it all to God and you will receive abundance from God. Jesus paid for it all already!

- Walk in obedience. This means to walk with an open and willing attitude to hear from God and receive His direction in every area of your life. It means to acknowledge that we need His help and direction. It means to desire God’s purposes and plans for our lives. Stop living for yourself or your own desires. Put God and others first and you will find life and peace.

- Walk in the spirit. Understand that a full life is found when we are filled with the Spirit of God. Our focus should be to live life inspired and lead by the Spirit of God. Fill yourself up constantly. We are all spirit and our spirit man is where God moves. Walk out of a dry spiritual environment and walk into an abundance of the presence of God and drink daily from His fountains. We do this by removing things that are clogging up our spirt and spending time praying, worshiping and seeking God.

The Bible teaches us that these things are all a choice and a decision we make. I pray today that we all grow in forgiveness, obedience and the Spirit of God. Choose today to walk in freedom!

Pastor Wesley Ribeiro can be reached at Sandpoint Christian Center, 1925 N. Boyer Ave.,, or 208-263-8578.