Thursday, October 10, 2024

If you want results, you have to stop the excuses

| August 22, 2018 1:00 AM

At the end of the day, you either have a result or an excuse. What’s it gonna be for you?

This week, I have heard all the excuses – again. Particularly the “time” excuse.

I’m tired. I work late, I’m too busy, I can’t get motivated. It’s not the right time. There’s no one to watch the kids. I hate exercising, it’s too complicated, I can’t have my favorite drink, and healthy food is expensive. Blah, blah, blah. All I hear is a whine — realizing that more people are committed to their excuses than their goals.

I am a very black-and-white person – it either is or it isn’t. And – I am very passionate about the health of this community. It is frustrating to see people, regardless of age, compromising their happiness and most of all their heath, because of some made up “story” (excuse) running the show in their lives. Who is actually running your life?

There is no magic formula to fat loss, it is extremely simple: Burn more calories than you eat.

Whose fault is it that you are not getting in shape — it’s yours. It’s not mine, it’s not your trainer, it’s not your husband, wife, kids or your boss — it’s you. There are 168 hours in each week — no matter who you are. Maybe you train for three of them. That leaves 165 for you to completely blow it. If self-discipline isn’t in your vocabulary, then hire someone who will make you accountable. Until then, realize that the choices are yours. Getting healthier is not difficult in terms of knowing what to do — it’s doing it that makes the difference. If your doctor told you that you would die in six months if you didn’t do something about your health by dropping some body fat – would you?

What if your child was kidnapped and the ransom request was that you have to lose 20 pounds and get in shape or you would never see your child again? Could you find the time then? Would there be any obstacles standing in your way? I think not.

I feel my mission is to help as many people as I can to live healthier, leaner, fitter, more active lives. Sometimes that requires me to be a little ‘in your face” because as I’m sure you know, people aren’t the most proactive when it comes to taking control of their health and fitness.

It’s not the kids, or the job, your lack of money, your travel schedule, or your last diet that failed. It’s you. Why? Because everything you need to be healthier, leaner and more fit you already have access to that thing, and whether you are willing to admit it or not, you already know what you should be doing.

We all have 24 hours in a day. Time is never an issue. Lack of priorities is. Where the problem lies, and most people wait until there is an “emergency” before they decide to take their health and fitness seriously.

How much TV do you watch? Can you get up 30 minutes earlier? Can you go to bed 30 minutes later? Do you really need that dessert? Do you have to spend an hour in the bath every night?

It doesn’t matter what you do. Take brisk walk, or pack a healthy lunch instead of dining out every day, park a little further from your work or shop the perimeter of your grocery store. Just do something. Anything.

I promise you that once you start doing the right things with a bit of purpose and intensity, and you see and feel the results — nothing will stop you.

Natalie Dreger can be reached at