Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Priest River youth center holds grand opening dance

by Compiled Marylyn Cork
| December 19, 2018 12:00 AM

10 Years Ago — 2008

Weather shivers county

Gusting winds and sustained sub-zero temperatures wreaked havoc this weekend as winter’s first body blow struck Bonner County.

20 Years Ago — 1998

Chamber gives awards

The Priest River chamber of Commerce’s annual Citizen of the Year honor went to Ron and Treva Barber for volunteerism and community service. P. J. and Gayle Schlotterbeck received the President’s Award for the many services rendered to the Chamber over the years.

30 Years Ago — 1988

PRLHS passes inspection

The construction of Priest River Lamanna High School is fine. That’s the latest word from Bonner County Building Inspector Bob Garrison after tabulating the results of his recent inspections involving the $2 million project. The construction had earlier been questioned.

40 Years Ago — 1978

Highway 57 resurfacing is metric project

A proposed resurfacing improvement project on Highway 57 from Priest River, 19.6 miles north to the High Bridge, will be of historical note as well as provide some new innovations for drivers and bicycle riders. It will be a pilot project by the Federal Highway Administration to solve problems in building highways to metric measurements. According to Mr. Leo Baron of the Federal Highway Administration office in Vancouver, Wash., his office will conduct a public meeting in Priest River to discuss the proposed improvements, benefits and measurements presently foreign to most road construction companies and engineers.

50 Years Ago — 1968

Youth center holds grand opening

A grand opening dance to the swirling music of The Generation brought a surge of sound, life and color to the downtown district Friday evening as the Youth Center, planned and brought into being by the Community Action Program, was officially opened to its teenage public.

60 Years Ago — 1958

New chef at Linger Longer

J. E. “bud” Thompson announces that Hurschell Weaver, former owner of Hurschell’s Lighthouse on Lake Pend Oreille at Hope, has been engaged as chef at Linger Longer Lodge on Priest Lake. Mr. Weaver is well known throughout this area for his skill in putting out fine food

70 Years Ago — 1948

Times office moving

The Times is moving this week to their new office building across from Main Street. Mr. Hoover of the Hill Printing Machine Company, Portland, Ore., is directing the moving of the equipment.

80 Years Ago — 1938

Shooting matches in high school

The Priest River High School shooting club has made elaborate preparations for the turkey shoot and the big Barn Dance. Friday night the gym doors will be thrown open to all for the indoor .22calibre shooting matches. The high-power rifle matches will be held at Keyser’s Slough on Saturday. The Barn Dance will be held Saturday night as a fitting climax.

90 Years Ago — 1928

Short causes truck fire

The Mears Department Store delivery truck caught fire from a short in the battery. Not a great deal of damage was done.

100 Years Ago — 1918

Moves and improvements

Mrs. Sam Byars and daughter spent the weekend with Mrs. Angstadt. Mr. and Mrs. Byars have moved to Coolin for the winter. Andrew Coolin will have charge of Forest Lodge, the home of the Byars, for the winter. The Priest River hospital is being improved by the finishing of the upstairs rooms into additional rooms.