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I felt like I was going to die earlier in late January. I thought I was going to drown in my own chest fluids every time I laid down. I thought I had pneumonia. Being a veteran (Korea ’71-’72), I was able to get some medical help from our local Sandpoint VA Clinic and wound up at Grandstaff Veterans Hospital in Spokane. I was lucky. I only had a severe cold.
If you’ve lived and worked in Idaho very long, you know that for the majority of us making a living is difficult. I’m not sure what the current average wage is, but the last time I checked it was down at the bottom of the list. We love living here and are able to eke out a living, but for many, that level of living does not include health care. I think it’s a crime that the “Greatest Nation on Earth” doesn’t provide basic preventative healthcare for its citizens!
You can help make a real difference for the 78,000 Idahoans who don’t have healthcare by signing the petition at Women’s Health Care, 1215 Michigan St., Suite C., Sandpoint; or go to for more information.