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| July 12, 2018 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

July 12, 1968 ­— THE CHAMPS

In an all-Sandpoint finale, the City team beat the Outsiders 7 - 0 for the championship of the Shrine Little League baseball tournament at Memorial Field Sunday. Coaches are George Andres, Len Pederson and Jack Raynor. Players are Mike Longbottom, David Watson, Doug Loney, Kevin Garvey, George Andrews, Steve Kaufman, Kirk Ridley, Dennis Pedersen, Mike Hagadone, Ken Tillotson, Floyd Kallio, Andy Slaveck, Dwayne Pedersen, Dan Cornagey, Mickey Pederson and Bruce Sletager.



Herbert F. Johnson, Sandpoint World War II veteran and survivor of the infamous 1942 Bataan Death March was honored by the Lions Club as the grand marshal of the July 4th parade.

Johnson, a former senior master sergeant with the Air Force, was held captive by the Japanese from early 1942 until August of 1945. He now lives on the outskirts of Sandpoint with his wife, Helen, and children, Gary, Bruce and Susan.

An employee of Kaniksu National Forest, Johnson is a member of the Elks, on the board of directors of the Child Welfare Council and an elder in the Presbyterian Church



Bruce Lines, Sandpoint, lost his wallet at the city beach on July 4.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

July 12, 1918 — 84 ARE SUMMONED

Eighty-four drafted men of 1-A class have been notified to report at the court house July 22 for examination to fill Bonner county’s July quota. Only 44 men are required for this quota, but nine more are wanted to make up for the rejected men of the June draft, and the remainder are called to ensure the required number after the local board makes its rejections. After this call, there remain only 124 names in 1-A class of this county.



The war savings stamp drive moves more slowly than anticipated, due partly no doubt to the fact that it is handled in small denominations, and every citizen in the county must be reached and induced to do his part. The returns are favorable so far as the territory covered and there seems no question but that when the canvass is completed the apportionment, though large, will have been met.



From $14,128.28 Sandpoint received in July tax collections, all outstanding warrants of the past fiscal year and $3160 in warrants of the 1912 series were paid and Treasurer W.S. Finney found the city is $700 to the good. The water department affords a steady cash income, so it is expected that from now on city business will be conducted on a strictly cash basis, eliminating interest debts.

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