Thursday, May 16, 2024

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| June 17, 2018 1:00 AM

This is Memorial Day and maybe I/we can do something for our country, something to save the union.

If you think Washington is broken and if you think that the political class has gone off the rails, if you think as I do that we the people need to "drain the swamp, that is Washington D.C., I have a first big step — repeal the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. We should return to Article 1, Section 3, as the Founding Fathers originally wrote it.

This would remove the money from the senators' "pockets." There would be no need to bribe our senators; he or she would be paid by the state in which they are the representatives. It would be an automatic term limit because each senator would be appointed by the states. This would put the states back in control of all senators.

This would put the "K Street" lobbyist out of business to a very large extent. Senators would not have to campaign for election or re-election. It would also take some of the big lobby/pacs out of government.

If you agree with me at all, please let Senator Jim Risch and Senator Mike Crapo know that we the people of Idaho want to "repeal the 17th Amendment."

God bless America and our veterans.

