Friday, October 11, 2024

Village board members work to beautify city hall

| March 21, 2018 1:00 AM

10 Years Ago — 2018

ACA Deca takes second

It’s been an eight-year rivalry, but every Priest River Academic Decathlon team has heard that the team to beat has been Preston. This year, placing at State has been that much sweeter by beating Preston, which placed third. Bear Lake took first.

20 Years Ago — 1998

Scholl board to fully fund ball program

This spring, for the first time, the Bonner County School District will be funding baseball/softball at Priest River Lamanna High School. Jeff Connolly originally approached the board to ask if the district would pick up the funding after the program’s first two years if the Boosters would do it in the meantime. Last year, in the third year, the district picked up the cost of the buses, but refused to pick up the coaches’ salaries because of funding constraints.

30 Years Ago — 1988

Caribou transplant ends

The transplant of caribou into the Selkirk Range northeast of Priest Lake was completed Friday when 10 more Canadian caribou were released on the Ball Creek Road. The latest 10, in addition to four brought in Wednesday, join 10 caribou transplanted two weeks ago.

40 Years Ago — 1978

Snider to be honored for 30th year

When Glenn Snider was promoted to manager of the Priest River Branch of Idaho First National Bank, it was located in the Beardmore Building and employed only five people. The bank, now on Albeni Highway with a staff of 18, is celebrating Snider’s 30th anniversary on March 29 with an open house during banking hours.

50 Years Ago — 1968

Gregory purchases Buck’s Hardware

Roger C. Gregory, 29, has purchased Buck’s Hardware from Mrs. Doris Buck. Mr. Gregory was reared in Sandpoint. He graduated from Sandpoint High School and from the University of Idaho in 1960. He served five years in the U.S. Army and held the rank of captain when discharged. Tour of duty included two years in France and one year in Vietnam with the First Infantry Division. Service awards include the Bronze Star and air medal.

60 Years Ago — 1958

Virgin forests made accessible

The depredations of the spruce bark beetle, which hit the area with epidemic impact five years ago, have wrought a market change in the virgin forests of Northern Idaho, said Karl A. Klehm, supervisor of Kaniksu National Forest. Where virgin forests stood untouched five years ago, many areas have been opened up by roads in the removal of insect-infested spruce and associated species. One such, built by the Forest Service, extends from Nordman Post Office up Granite Creek into the Hughes Meadow country.

70 Years Ago — 1948

Light poles moved

Work on the new street lighting commenced with a crew moving and replacing poles, which will be taken off city streets and moved to the alleys. The order calls for 21 new mercury vapor-type lights to be installed.

80 Years Ago — 1938

Beautifying city hall

The village board took steps to beautify city hall, purchasing globe locusts to be set out on two sides of the building.

90 Years Ago — 1928

Spring means mud

A large crowd attended the opening dance at Albany Falls Saturday night. Bad roads caused two cars to be stuck in the mud, however, and several people had to walk the last two miles to the dance.

100 Years Ago — 1918

He just had to enlist

Jack Farrell left for Spokane where he has enlisted in the Twentieth Engineers, a regiment made up of lumbermen. Mr. Farrell said he couldn’t stand it any longer, he just had to enlist.

Commissioners to settle school dispute

A division of School District No. 12 North Side has been asked for by residents there. Trouble is reported there, and the county commissioners have been asked to straighten out the tangle.

­ — Compiled by MARYLYN CORK