Friday, October 11, 2024

God allows us to live life without focusing on fear

by Pastor Dan York
| March 23, 2018 1:00 AM

Thirty-two years ago this month, if memory serves correctly, I had a memorable experience in Jerusalem. As a good friend and I were walking to the “Western Wall,” in the old city we noticed some people in costumes.

We prayed briefly at the wall and then stood some distance away watching people come and go.

A young woman walking by spoke to us. She was an American Jew from New York City. We were two American Christian pastors from Wyoming.

We asked the young lady if she knew why some people were dressed in costumes. Her response informed us that it was part of the celebration of the Jewish Feast of Purim. We knew that this feast had been instituted by Queen Esther to celebrate the escape of the Jews from a plot intended to wipe them out.

This classical story of God ordained “coincidences” is found in the biblical book of Esther.

As for the costumes, we were told they represented things not always being what they seem. It had seemed that all the Jews would be slaughtered.

Instead, Queen Esther’s Jewish identity was made public and Haman, the instigator of the anti-Jewish plot, was executed.

Many today believe the world is out of control. Atomic warfare or environmental disaster could bring an end to human history at any time.

But things, as usual, are not as they seem. God has a plan. He will intervene. Jesus will return.

This does not excuse us from working on the great problems facing humanity.

But it does mean that those who truly trust in God do not need to live in fear.

Pastor Dan York can be reached at Dover Community Church.