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| May 6, 2018 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Rep. Marion Davidson, now serving his fourth term in the Idaho House of Representatives representing Bonner and Boundary counties, has announced his candidacy for a fifth term.

He is the senior Democrat on the powerful appropriations and the judiciary and rules committee.

Davidson is a farmer and contractor near Bonners Ferry. He was graduated from the University of Idaho in 1943 with a B.S. degree in Agriculture. He was in the Marine Corps from 1943 to 1946. A past director of the Idaho Cattlemen’s Assn., he is also a past commander of the American Legion Post 55.

James Stoicheff, Sandpoint, has announced that he will be a candidate for the office of state senator in the Aug. 6 Democrat primary. Both Stoicheff and his wife, Jerry, have been active in Democrat organizations since arriving in Sandpoint in 1962.

He is presently serving his sixth year as teacher-coach-principal at Southside School, Cocolalla. His teaching experience includes the elementary, high school and college levels.

He feels that Idaho’s most pressing problems today are water, jobs and schools.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

May 6, 1918 — MEN GIVEN SEND-OFF

Sandpoint turned out en masse Saturday for the departure of the Bonner county men who entrained here for Camp Lewis under the government draft. They were entertained by Mayor Ewing with a dinner at the Grill where each was given a carnation by Col. Bennett. Later, the Gem was packed at the patriotic meeting to honor the departing soldiers. Company B escorted the men to the N.P. depot and girls in Red Cross uniforms bore the national emblem as a part of the parade. A crowd followed the procession across the Cedar street bridge and filled the depot platform until the train pulled out. Those entrained here were Orie Ardher, R.B. Sutton and Reuben Lewis Raff of Priest River, Frank Vigue of Westmond, John Bradahal and John Engstrom of Sandpoint, William H. Pomranky of Dover, Oscar Turnbull of Sagle, William Slater Kalb of Algoma, Clifford J. Gooby of Kootenai.



Five members of the Imperial Japanese War Mission to this country visited the B.F. Goodrich Rubber company plant at Akron last week. The Mikado’s men are on a tour of American war industrial centers.



The 11-year-old son of W.H. Shook, 414 Pine street, suffered the fracture of his left arm Wednesday.

The spring char fishing on the sandbar has commenced and the fishing fleet is out every day.

For more information, visit the museum online at