Ellen Weissman
1. I have thought about running for office several times over the years, but the timing never worked out. After the recent Florida shooting, I was inspired by the raw emotion of the students who watched their friends get shot. I’m also concerned about the recent area increase in racist activity.
2. I have skills that include communication, administrative, and working with all ages. Literally all ages starting with infants, preschoolers, elementary and secondary students to college, adult education and now elders. I have a broad understanding of human behavior and can see lots of different sides to a situation.
3. I am not in favor of the proposed silicon smelter. I love solar energy, but from what I have learned so far, the benefits of producing parts for the solar cells are outweighed by the toxins that will come to our counties downwind. There must be a better way.
4. Excellence in education for children. Homelessness and housing availability for moderate and lower income levels. Emergency shelters for single men.Services for folks with mental health issues. Expanding the SPOT transportation system. Funding for Senior Centers and Food Banks. Protecting our environment and natural beauty. Funding to patch our potholes!
5. Campaign finance reform: influencing legislation and candidates by large corporations and wealthy individuals. Health Care issues: the Medicaid Gap in Idaho and the increase of obesity and decline of healthy eating in the U.S. combined with big corporate agribusiness companies using pesticides and herbicides in our food chain.
6. Probably that I’m too liberal. But I think those who might say this have not had a conversation with me and do not know how conservative I can be in some situations. For example, when it comes to government spending, overreach and bureaucracy.
7. That I will listen and learn. I will represent Bonner and Boundary County residents as fairly as I can. And I will always be kind.
8. Yes. Senator Risch’s proposal was well thought out with local involvement. He ensured that the current activities, i.e., ATV usage, hunting, fishing and hiking, would not be affected by the designation. Panhandle National Forest Service continues to provide management.
This is a gift to our children and their children’s children.
9. We need to close the gap! Currently 62,000 Idahoans are caught in the gap! We already pay Federal income taxes to cover the cost of the gap. But our legislators in Boise chose to refuse the expansion of the Medicaid dollars to help our own neighbors! Why?
10. Question: Do you think that it’s about time to pass the Equal Rights Amendment and that a woman doing a comparable job to a man be paid more than $.78 for every dollar he earns? Answer: Yes.