Glen Bailey
1. I had been appointed by the governor to complete the 2yr term of Commissioner Joyce Broadsword when she resigned in 2013. I enjoyed serving the county as a commissioner and successfully ran for election in 2014.
2. As county commissioner I’ve had the opportunity to serve on several boards & committees that provide great services and benefits for county residents. Working on the Panhandle Forest Collaborative I helped increase our forest harvest from 28,000 Million Board Feet to 65,000 Mbf and we’re moving towards 123,000 Mbf. We’re still far short of the 220,000 Mbf we saw in the ‘80s but each 1,000 Mbf of log production generates 18 direct & indirect jobs for north Idaho - so our efforts have created or enhanced some 660 jobs in the panhandle.
3. As Bonner County and the Panhandle region has recovered from a severe economic depression and a lack of jobs we’ve been challenged to update and restructure the pay and compensation plan for our county employees. I’m pleased with the way the board of commissioners has been able to work with our Human Resources department to bring our pay back in line with the job market and allowed us to keep our well trained and experienced employees. We recognize the need for a well trained and a properly compensated law enforcement so we’ve increased the Bonner County Sheriff’s pay scale to decrease the loss of our deputies (at one point 8 in a year) the retraining costs for new deputy hires runs between $150,000 - $200,000 each.
Keeping our Deputies here will save us up to $1.6 million and help maintain our Sheriff’s staffing levels.
4. I think most of us agree that we live in one of the most beautiful areas in the northwest. We enjoy the ability to breath fresh air, swim in clean unpolluted blue waters and hike or ski on the mountains around us. We want to keep these natural resources as unsullied and well managed as possible. Numerous people have encouraged us to “vote against the smelter”. The fact is that as a Bonner County commissioner I have no vote on whether the state of Washington approves or denies the permits that Hi Test Silicon is pursuing. I have been concerned enough to conduct my own research and I continue to follow the permitting process and the litigation brought by its opponents. I think it’s critical that all of us carefully research this smelter proposal and that we differentiate fact from fiction before we decide to support or oppose it.
5. During the last two years the issue of whether the people of Bonner County support Scotchman Peaks becoming a federal Wilderness has generated a lot of discussion and arguments both for and against. I applaud this discussion and encourage people to research the good and the bad of having a “wilderness” just north of Clark Fork. A year ago the Clark Fork City Council was unanimous in their vote against a wilderness next to their community. I respect their decision and it has caused me to reflect on why I should or should not support Scotchman Peaks as wilderness. To better understand the public’s attitude on Scotchman Peaks the commissioners have authorized an “advisory vote” ballot for the May 15 primary election.The advisory vote will state:
“Do you favor Senator Jim Risch’s proposal for congressional designation of a 13,960-acre Scotchman Peaks Wilderness Area in Bonner County?”
6. The job description of a county commissioner is unique in that we have legislative, executive, and quasi-judicial authority based on Idaho State codes. We can create ordinances and make regulations. Using executive authority we enforce those ordinances and regulations and during the Board of Equalization property tax hearings we make quasi-judicial decisions in equalizing the assessments of property and granting exemptions. So the typical workday is not so typical and takes a lot of preparation and study to do it right.
7. The issue of successful business management and leadership experience of the candidates is not stressed enough. I have proven my executive management and leadership skills and experience as a Bonner County commissioner for over five years and I also have experience as a military squadron commander for 3 ½ yrs and a detachment commander for 3 yrs.
8. I have a strong conservative moral compass and I am successful because I base my decisions on the most accurate information - facts and not speculation.
9. I do support a second rail bridge to relieve our single bridge choke point that’s creating congestion and causing trains to stop and wait their turn to cross our bridge. The new bridge would result in shorter wait times on nearby roads and streets that cross BNSF tracks. Because railroads have become the most efficient means of moving freight by land, we often forget that a good portion of the commodities carried by rail might otherwise be shipped on our highways.
10. What is your favorite Mark Twain quote? Do the right thing… it will gratify some people and astonish the rest.