Thursday, March 06, 2025

Jim Woodward

| May 12, 2018 1:00 AM

1: I believe in our representative system of government and I know that it requires participation. I’m also troubled by the divisiveness in our modern day politics. I hope to provide a unifying voice for our district. We live in a great place and I’d like to keep it that way.

2: I have a combination of technical education, government experience (military), small business ownership, and my deep ties to the communities of Bonner and Boundary County. I understand why we’re here, our common-sense conservatism, and what it takes to make a living in north Idaho.

3. Like many, I am apprehensive about a large industrial facility in our area. At the same time, we’re making judgement based on feeling and not facts. With a plant design proposal, Washington Department of Ecology will make a decision. Our best means of input is through Idaho DEQ, and I will make certain we are well represented by our state agency.

4. Growth. Since 1990, we’ve gone from one million people in Idaho to 1,700,000 currently with a significant impact in our area. More people require more roads and more school capacity, two of the prime roles of state government. The challenge is balancing fiscal responsibility with our obligation to the next generation.

5. The business of state government. We spend time on ideological questions, which are important, but oftentimes neglect the business of the day. An educated populace with an economic infrastructure in place will find its way through ideological challenges.

6. For some reason, I’ve been challenged time and again on my support of the Second Amendment. I served 21 years in the Navy and grew up in Idaho. I assumed everyone would understand I have always supported our Constitution…every amendment. Let me make it clear. I support our U.S. Constitution Second Amendment rights and Idaho Constitution Article 1 Section 11 rights.

7. Asking to Serve….Ready to Listen! I want to participate in our self-governance to ensure the next generation can enjoy the rights, freedoms, and liberties that our generation has. We are the United States of America, still the greatest place to live in the world.

8. I’d like to see it preserved in some appropriate designation, taking into account the local concerns for wildfire and wildlife management. A wilderness designation requires an individual piece of legislation which can accommodate unique requirements, e.g. airstrips in the Frank Church wilderness. I’m anxious to see the results of the advisory vote to know where the community stands.

9. I believe the Idaho based solutions that our governor, lieutenant governor, and state insurance director are working on are the correct route forward.

10. Question: Define the role and responsibilities of the office you are seeking. Answer: To represent the people of District 1 through open communication with all members of the community. To provide logical, common sense decision making in the enactment of new laws during the legislative session. To operate within the limits established by the Idaho Constitution.