Sunday, October 13, 2024

Kalispel, Idaho Mythweaver honor Boeh

| May 12, 2018 1:00 AM

In a special presentation, The Idaho Mythweaver and Kalispel Tribe of Indians together honored Bob Boeh at an Idaho Forest Group retirement celebration given him aboard the Coeur d’Alene Resort’s Mish-an-nock on Monday, May 7.

Boeh has been a strong supporter of Idaho Mythweaver’s work with the Plateau tribes, garnering financial support for the group from Idaho Forest Group, the company where he served as executive vice-president of governmental affairs. He officially retires at the end of the week after 22 years.

In addition to company chairman, Marc Brinkmeyer, USFS and IDL leaders, letters read from Idaho and Montana governors, tributes from conservation leaders, and several of Boeh’s industry colleagues, Jane Fritz, volunteer executive director of The Idaho Mythweaver, addressed the large gathering to speak about the contributions Boeh has made to the region’s Indian tribes.

Fritz then invited the Mythweaver board vice-president, Chet Bluff, Kalispel Tribal Chairman, Glen Nenema, and tribal education director, Anna Armstrong to honor Boeh by presenting him with the traditional Native gift of a specially embroidered Pendleton trade blanket in the Chief Joseph design. Asking the audience to stand, Bluff sang an honor song, and Chairman Nenema followed with remarks about the importance of timber companies and tribes to work cooperatively on natural resource issues.

A braid of sweetgrass, a medicine plant from the Kalispel Reservation, was also presented to Boeh.

Boeh has recently joined the Mythweaver board of directors, Fritz said, and the organization looks forward to his continued guidance and support.