Paul E. Shepherd
1: The federal government over regulating and cutting back our mining, logging, ranching and even some recreating abilities as well as locking more and more land!
2: I bought a family sawmill at 23 years of age. I built and operated the sawmill and logged buying timber sales from the Forest Service and by doing so I enter acted with businesses and government agencies all across central Idaho to the present day! That has given me an insight and as understanding of the frustrations with government regulations and rules.
I have been married 58 years raised 6 boys and 3 girls, served on a school board and several city councils. I have broad and valuable experiences that help me in the governing process.
3. I support refining and processing our resources locally as long as it is not harmful to the environment or the people!
4. Getting our individual responsibility and liberty back for the people in health care and protecting our Christian morals!
5. No response.
6. That I am all out for our republic form of government and oppose a democracy or a socialist state. I believe were founded a Christian nation.
Separation of church and state is misunderstood as it means government stays out of denominations within the Christian Nation (not take any sides).
7. That the federal government only has primacy on the issues set out by the US Constitution, The states (or the people) have primacy on all other issues.
8. No, we should use good stewardship and multiple use of all our public land, wilderness designation locks them up!
9. Get the Feds out, get back to market place competition and individual responsibility.
10. Question: Do you believe in our Pledge of Allegiance and its full original meaning that this is a Republic we are one Nation Under God? Will you keep your oath of office to uphold it?
My answer: Yes, and yes.