Friday, October 11, 2024

Let's get together

Life, as defined by God, happens when we live together in unity. Think about what heaven is like. When Jesus prayed to the Father in John 17, His desire that we become one was very clear.

Psalm 133:1-3 says:

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is

For brothers to dwell together in unity!

It is like the precious oil (of consecration) poured on the head,

Coming down on the beard,

Even the beard of Aaron,

Coming down upon the edge of his (priestly) robes (consecrating the whole body).

It is like the dew of (Mount) Hermon

Coming down on the hills of Zion;

For there the Lord has commanded the blessing: life forevermore.”

If we say we are full of love but hate our brother we are lying. Love in action is demonstrated by how we care for those around us. I would like to encourage you to examine your heart on the matter. Remember God is all about people.

In the above Psalm our living together in unity is compared to the consecration oil poured on the head of the High Priest. The oil poured over the head was one of the requirements for entry into the presence of God to minister before God on behalf of the people. The pouring over means abundance. In other words we should live in abundance of relationships with others. This is a prerequisite for entering into the presence of God to serve Him

If we don’t have fellowship with one another we don’t have fellowship with God either. I have learned that the way we treat one another is the way we treat God.

I would like us to look for opportunities to put our love into action. This has to be intentional. Call someone up, touch bases, find someone in need and help them. Make new connections with people around you. Surround yourself with brothers and sisters who are willing to expand the kingdom of God. Allow your conversations to be profitable ones that lead to unity of purpose and mind

Hebrews 10:24-24 9 (AMP) says ,“and let us consider (thoughtfully) how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds, not forsaking our meeting together (as believers for worship and instruction), as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more (faithfully) as you see the day (of Christ’s return) approaching.”

Getting together isn’t just about attending church or a church function, its about making life connections. Opening yourself up to others and sharing the good work Jesus is doing in you.

Here is a suggestion. When you get together with someone share what God is doing in your life recently. Praise God for the blessings and share things you are struggling with. Then ask the other person what God is doing in their life and how you can pray and support them in the things they struggle with.

Be intentional. Fellow-ship doesn’t just happen, it is initiated by someone. Be the one who initiates relationship. Step out and invite someone out or grab a coffee or do something fun together. Show that you really care and be intentional about caring for others

Be an encourager. What we all really need is encouragement. Our time with one another should always be uplifting and productive. Speak life into each other. Don’t agree with the evil report of the enemy. Speak God’s word of truth into each other. Prophesy, sing over each other! Lets encourage one another and join together in the work of the Kingdom because God is on the move!

Pastor Wesley Ribeiro can be reached at Sandpoint Christian Center, 1925 N. Boyer Ave.,, or 208-263-8578.