Thursday, October 10, 2024

Priest River claims Lilac Parade honors in Spokane

| May 30, 2018 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1918

Two will graduate

But two graduates are destined to receive diplomas at the commencement exercises to be held at Wright’s Hall May 17. Gladys Herr and Louise Smith will bid goodbye to the local high school, having completed their studies there.

90 Years Ago — 1928

Bridge costs presented

Presentation of a bill from the Idaho State Highway Department to Pend Oreille County for the final payment on the construction costs of the Newport interstate bridge shows the total cost of the structure was $218,530.18. Contributions include those from Idaho Federal Aid, $124,904.81; state of Washington, $50,000; Pend Oreille County, $7,720.17; Bonner County, $35,905.17.

80 Years Ago — 1938

Parking signs posted

Marshal Felsman, complying with the village council’s ruling, put up parallel parking signs. All drivers are now asked to park parallel to the curb to make more room for traffic down the center of the street

70 Years Ago — 1948

High school

to be painted

The high school will be treated to an exterior paint job this year. The Kiwanis Club decided to undertake the job of raising the necessary funds. Fund-raising events will be planned, and several members expressed willingness to aid in underwriting the project. Any aid or suggestions will be appreciated and can be given to president, Ken Woods, secretary, Phil Minkler, or any Kiwanis member.

Phil’s Club will hold the formal opening of its new Gold Room with dance music by Bette on the piano. The new room, adjoining the present club, is attractive with a fireplace and interior decorations.

60 Years Ago — 1958

Fishing’s great at Priest Lake

Bright sunshine and temperatures at the 80 mark and above lured many people to Priest Lake the past weekend, including the Times’ roving reporter. Fishing continues to be the most popular sport. Many, however, took the opportunity for sunbathing, and a few braved the lake’s cold waters for swimming and surfboard riding. At Ben Noonan’s Mountain View Resort a 31-pound Mackinaw trout was taken by C. E. Collins of Noxon, Mont.

50 Years Ago — 1968

Float captures first place

A regally beautiful Priest River float, with its slowly revolving crown and display of “Idaho Gems,” — the royalty of Priest River, captured first place in the C Division of the Armed Forces Lilac Parade in Spokane Saturday, and third place in the torchlight parade the previous evening. Cindy Gerow, Miss Priest River, was seated in the crown, with Carol Bair, first princess, to one side, and Linda Martin, second princess, on the other.

The city owes a debt of gratitude to Ruth Treat, chairman of the float committee, and all those who worked on the float, the Times said.

40 Years Ago — 1978

Dock plan denied, approved nearby

The Bonner County Commissioners have reportedly agreed to construct docking facilities for an additional six boats next to the dilapidated county docks southeast of the Priest River Loggers Celebration area this summer. The commissioners officially denied the request for docking facilities put forth by the Priest River Chamber of Commerce Waterways Committee for a dock 300 feet to the west of the existing docks.

30 Years Ago — 1988

PRLHS offers first-ever summer school

Priest River Lamanna High School will be offering summer school for the first time at the end of the school year. “We were given $2,000 (from the state) strictly for the funding of classes that students may attend this summer,” said guidance counselor Mike Wright. The initial plan calls for English and math.

20 Years Ago — 1998

Canoers safe after dip in river

Two Newport canoers were rescued Wednesday afternoon after falling into the raging Priest River. James Fee, 22, and Mary Fee, 20, and their two dogs were plucked from a small island by members of the Bonner County Sheriff’s Water Rescue team. Their tiny craft capsized in the chest-deep water about 2 miles north of the Highway 2 bridge over the Priest River, swollen with spring runoff.

10 Years Ago — 2008

Fourteen Spartans go to state

The 3A District 1 track meet at Timberlake saw plenty of records broken. The 14 Spartans going on to state is a record-tying number in itself, to go with two broken district records, a broken school record, and numerous personal records.

— Compiled by