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| November 13, 2018 12:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Nov. 13, 1968 — AH SNOW!

Students at Old Farmin school found out Friday that the first snow of the season and recess go together. Sandpoint received but a slight covering, but it was enough to build a low snow fort and get some snow action going.



Robert Small, Spokane Weather Bureau meteorologist said that statistical probabilities are the best indicators of long range forecasts. “This means,” he said, “that we should have a heavy snow year every fourth year and a cold winter every third year. Our last heavy snow winter was 1964-65 and our last winter with six or more days of zero or sub-zero temperatures was 1962-63. With those figures, the reader can make his own prediction about this winter.”



Members of the election board were surprised when they arrived at the Community hall Tuesday morning to find a caller had been there before them. Tracks imprinted in the thick white frost on the steps and porch were identified as those of a good sized bear.

Mike, Mark and Pat Perry spent Sunday afternoon with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Perry.

Mrs. Garry Bristow and Laurie spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Williams.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

Nov. 13, 1918 — GRIM REAPER’S TOLL

Mrs. Lucian Wray died Friday at her home at 224 Main street, a victim of pneumonia following influenza. Up to her recent illness Mrs. Wray had been of rugged health. About the time of her attack with influenza two weeks ago, she became the mother of a baby boy. Pneumonia soon followed. Mrs. Wray was 23 years of age.

Elmer E. Davis, 718 North Boyer avenue, died Friday at City hospital of double pneumonia, following an influenza attack. He was 20 years of age. A wife and three children survive him.

Merrill Holcomb, a young man of 19 years, employed at one of the Humbird camps, died of pneumonia Monday, after an influenza attack.

Leland Ernest Eddy, a former high school boy of this city, died Monday at Moscow, where he had entered government training, influenza being the cause of death. Eddy was born Sept. 1898.

Matt Kalota, a timberman, died at City hospital Sunday of pneumonia following influenza.



It had been announced that schools would reopen next Monday, as the influenza epidemic was subsiding, but a recrudescence of the disease has manifested itself, ten new cases having developed in the last few days, among them a teacher, and this led to the decision to put off school reopening at least three weeks.

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