Monday, September 30, 2024

Sandpoint cross-country announces postseason awards

by Kyle Cajero Sports Editor
| November 20, 2018 12:00 AM

Sandpoint runners Niah Brass, Ephriam Weisz and Nikolai Braedt highlighted the Bulldog cross-country End of Season awards, which were voted on by coaches Angie and Matt Brass last week. The trio was named most valuable runners based on not only how many (or in this case, how few) points they scored, but also their year-round work.

As for the most-improved winners, both took nearly five minutes off of their 5K personal bests this season.

Junior Bionce Vincent was part of the JV squad a year ago (and for part of this season) but lowered her 5K time to 21:11 en route to making Sandpoint’s varsity team. Senior Kieran Wilder made the most of his last hurrah by starting the season running north of 20 minutes, then finishing the year running a 16:50 at the 4A IHSAA state race.

Senior Chloe Braedt was named Most Improved as well for her 25:27 to 20:08 improvement throughout her career.

Aside from the expected most valuable and most improved awards, the Sandpoint cross-country team gave senior Sloan Woodward and junior Chloe Pierce the annual Will Johnson awards, which are given in memory of the Sandpoint sophomore runner who passed away in Dec. 2009. Johnson is also the namesake for Sandpoint’s cross-country invitational.

“This awards is meant to embody Will, what he meant to our team, and what the team meant to him,” Angie Brass wrote in an email, “Will was a vibrant young man, extremely funny, genuine. He was respectful to the coaches. He knew there was a rewarding place for everyone who put in the training and took part, not just for the fastest or most talented. More than anything, this team was filled with his friends; to him it was an extension of his family. His short life had an impact on many. In picking the recipient we chose two people who brought joy and happiness to their teammates. They worked hard and encouraged everyone. This award is the embodiment of the team, its core values and its culture.”

Next season, Sandpoint expects to return everyone aside from the 13 seniors from this year’s roster.

Sophomores Nikolai Braedt (16:14.92 in the 5K, No. 4 all-time) and Jett Lucas (16:18.50 in the 5K, No. 4 all-time) look to lead the boys; whereas the junior tandem of Paige Davidson (20:15.15, No, 20 all-time) and Corina Wallace (20:28.20, No. 25 all-time) will likely lead the girls.