Wednesday, October 09, 2024

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| October 21, 2018 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Oct. 21, 1968 — MOOSE SIGHTING

Even with the abundance of wildlife in Bonner County, it is a rare event when a moose is seen by a local resident, but one was spotted Sunday in the Round lake area by Mrs. Ruth Hamilton and her four children, who saw the big animal in a large open field south of Dufort road. It ran off with the distinctive gait of the species, heading toward Cocolalla creek. The animal did not have a rack, but other characteristics of a moose — a humped back and bulbous nose — were obvious.



Did you hear about the wedding that went off without a hitch? The groom didn’t show up.



Barney Blasko, Samuels, recently returned from the Washington State Charolais championship show, held at the Central Washington Fair, Yakima. Two of Blasko’s Charolais, a young bull and a heifer, competed with seven herds of Charolais and approximately 50 entered head and both animals won prizes. His bull calf placed fourth in a strong class and Manilla, a yearling heifer Blasko had raised by wheeling about his ranch in a wheelbarrow, took second in a class competing against some of the finest purebred and half French Charolais in the West.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Oct. 21, 1918 — INFLUENZA FATAL

Marian, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V.C. Lathrop of Priest River died Monday of Spanish influenza. Thursday the girl complained of not feeling well but insisted on going to school. At noon she went to bed. Fever set in at once and her temperature went to 105, and she gradually grew weaker until the end came. There are about a dozen cases of the disease at Priest River.



The Hun’s doubt as to his ability to whip the world will grow when American Armies fight their way across the Rhine. Will it be your contribution to the American war chest from which the bridges into Rhineland are built? Make Sure There is Not a Pontoon Missing. Buy 4th Liberty Bonds. Any Bank Will Help You. Advertisement Contributed with Patriotic Cooperation by Spears Furniture.



Dennis Lee, who delivers Humbird millwood, along with his son, had a narrow escape when his delivery motor truck was struck by an east-bound S.I. passenger train at the Lake street crossing. The truck was completely demolished and 40 ft. of sidewalk ripped up. Lee saw the train just as he was on the track and jumped to save himself, escaping unhurt. His son was thrown 50 ft. and was stunned, but soon regained consciousness and was found not seriously hurt. Lee claims the engineer did not whistle until on the crossing.

For more information, visit the museum online at