Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Jesus calls us away from the temptations

by Carol Shirk Knapp Contributing Writer
| September 19, 2018 1:00 AM

There is a huge following in our society of things angelic. One can find representations of angels just about anywhere. They are especially popular at Christmas as part of the story of Jesus — appearing to shepherds to announce His birth. The Bible depicts angels as messengers of God.

They are also included near the close of Jesus’ earthly life. When the armed crowd came to arrest Him He said, “Do you think I cannot appeal to My Father and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” A legion equals 6,000 troops. Angels are known as the army of God.

When someone does something kind, or intervenes in a helpful way, they are often referred to as an “angel.” Facing crucifixion, praying in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Bible relates an “angel from heaven” appeared to Jesus “strengthening Him.” Angels come to the aid of others.

Drawing from the Bible I learn angels are beings created by God. Rejoicing with Him in the creation of the world. They are a heavenly choir.

Here is where the “feel good” gets uncomfortable. The Bible speaks of “fallen angels.” Of one in particular Lucifer, also known as Satan, a prominent angel who chose to challenge God and was cast from heaven “like lightning,” along with those who followed him. This entire host is referred to as “demons.” Jesus says their aim is to “steal, kill, and destroy.”

I am compelled to discuss this subject after seeing the “Momo” icon—a grotesque birdlike woman with fixed bulging eyes—which is infiltrating social media, including video games such as Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto 5. This WhatsApp image is assaulting children with violent graphics and commands to perform a variety of disturbing acts, threatening them if they don’t. It goes so far as to eventually lure them to attempt suicide.

The whole thing embodies the “steal, kill, and destroy” menace. It is chilling. It endeavors to make a game of evil by making evil a game.

There is that option to question the veracity of the Bible’s teaching about angels and demons. Jesus certainly testifies of both. All the while offering hope. He says He calls people away from darkness and into light. “Momo” doesn’t stand a chance with Him.

Given a choice I’m going with Jesus.