Saturday, May 18, 2024

No headline

| April 4, 2019 1:00 AM

The current bill to restrain the rights of the citizens of Idaho to pass referendums, rights which have been in effect since 1912, marks a turning point in this state’s and this country’s experiment in self-government. You are a political entity and so sway and conform to the winds of your party and to the current times. Sadly, I realize that you have little motivation to regard the larger picture — especially when reelection is tangible whereas our country’s history, and the larger philosophical ideals of a liberal democracy including self governance, freedom of (and from) religion, and free speech are all more distant and blurry.

I am convinced that you will never actually read this letter, however, if you do, please consider that distancing the “people” from the decisions of our government is the antithesis of what our founders and our constitution intended. I am horrified that our House and Senate have passed this bill and sent it to you for signature. If you have any sense of history, any understanding of who we are as a people and nation, you will refuse to sign this bill. Although I do understand the pressures upon you, I would plead that assuming an historical and philosophical perspective sometimes demands that you do what is right for our state and our country rather than bending to the pressures exerted by your party. This is one of those instances. Realize that rejecting this bill will become a rallying statement nationally for state’s and “citizens” rights. It is so wrong to stifle the general population’s ability to direct our leaders. It is arrogant, manipulative, and destructive to our constitutional rights as citizens to this great country.

Please call me if you would like to convince me that I am mistaken. I was appointed by Butch Otter to the Board of Veterinary Medicine and am currently serving that appointment. I appreciate and understand your position - this is one of those moments that you could make an amazing statement for our democracy and for the people of our great state. Do not miss this opportunity to do the right thing. Call me.



Vice President - Idaho Veterinary Medical Board

North Idaho Animal Hospital