Saturday, May 18, 2024

No headline

| April 25, 2019 1:00 AM

I was encouraged to see the response (Daily Bee, April 11) Brenda Hammond, president of Bonner County Human Rights Task Force gave to my letter to the editor (Daily Bee, March ). It certainly did continue to keep the door open on this dialogue from my end because of the confusion on one point in particular. I was happy to see you included the BCHRTF mission, “to affirm the American principles and ideals of the inviolable (defined as never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored) dignity and worth of each human being.” Reading your mission statement and taking it at face value you and all your members have taken a stand even though you say you do not take a stand on abortion rights. You then said that the issue of abortion is very complex, you talked about religious and spiritual beliefs and finished your paragraph giving the example of questioning when a fetus becomes a human being.

The fact that human life begins at fertilization cannot be explained away and complicated. Brenda, you and I and every human being who’s ever walked this planet began our human journey at fertilization. To try to twist this fact to fit a human’s need of selfish desires is totally dishonest i.e. a lie. So folks who are pro-abortion are trying to say we are not human beings until X amount of weeks old (you pick your week or you can just say your not a human (aka a baby) until after we leave our mother’s womb), this defies all logic and common sense.

A final clarifying point so there should be no confusion, the fetus (aka a baby) that is inside a woman is a human, not a dog or a kitty or an elk, it’s not complicated in the least bit, but it’s made out to be complicated as with many things in our morally decayed world in an attempt to deceive if the drum is beat long and hard enough. To attempt to dehumanize the unborn baby is just a flat-out lie. Here’s a question. When a family member or friend etc comes up to you and says “I’m pregnant” would you think to yourself “does she mean with a baby?” Of course not, that would be absolutely ridiculous as it is to argue that we don’t know when a fetus inside a woman becomes a human (aka a baby).

