Saturday, October 05, 2024

For success, be specific in your weight loss goals

| December 18, 2019 12:00 AM

The simple solution to anyone’s weight loss questions. However, if it was that easy, more people would be in great shape.

But, that said, some of your other behaviors play a big role in fat loss. There are several things to fire up your metabolism to speed your transformation up.

With anything in life, you are typically more successful when you establish a realistic goal and design a plan that you can follow.

Most clients have come to me throughout the years, wanting to lose 20 pounds in two weeks because they have some “event” to attend and need to fit into their little black dress. LOL.

Un- realistic expectations will definitely set you up for failure before you even begin.

I cannot stress this enough, you MUST set a goal with specific target dates and put it in writing.

Setting a goal to lose weight is not a specific goal. Setting a goal that you will lose two pounds in one week is a specific goal and certainly attainable and realistic.

Don’t allow snacking to sabotage your weight loss efforts. The average snack has increased over the last 30 years from 200 calories to 600 calories. Amazing huh?

When you are trying to transform your physique, it is mandatory that you know how many calories you are consuming. How could you possibly lose weight and reach your goal when you don’t know how many calories you are eating? Consistency, accuracy and honesty is important.

Stop being so sedentary and move!

Society sits in front of their computer for work all day, travel in cars and sit in front of the television at night. Sit Sit Sit.

You have to exercise and move your body if you want to achieve your weight loss goals and acquire overall health.

It is really pretty simple — you just need to know where to begin and how to proceed. If you need help, feel free to contact myself or someone in the community that you know and trust.

Natalie Litzell Dreger is a certified fitness trainer. She can be reached at