Saturday, May 18, 2024

Where's the long-term benefit of second bridge

| May 5, 2019 1:00 AM

Isn’t BNSF wonderful? The barrage of BNSF full-page ads paint a very rosy picture. What could go wrong?

Maybe we should look at what they’re not telling us.

First they tell us how fuel efficient their trains are at saving the planet from harmful emissions. I’m not really sure you can tout your carbon footprint when you are hauling millions of tons of coal and millions of gallons of oil and other chemicals. These items are, in turn, taken to plants that do produce a huge amount of pollutants.

The ads also give you data on all the lumber and grain that they haul. Not once do they address the potentially harmful cargo that goes over our lake and through our towns.

Also, has everyone forgotten the 20-plus car derailment recently near Careywood? Luckily that was only grain and not some other toxic substance. So derailments do happen here.

BNSF is a corporation. What is any corporation’s goal? To make money. That’s all. If they can put a positive spin on how they go about increasing profits, even better.

How is there any long-term benefit of an additional bridge to our community?

