Saturday, May 18, 2024

Claims of global climate change are simply untrue

| May 21, 2019 1:00 AM

Jack DeBaun (Daily Bee, May 9, 2019) demonstrates the intellectual dishonesty which has become so typical of climate change fanatics. He misrepresented my last letter by creating a straw man fallacy from some article that I never even mentioned, then told readers that the article I did mention somehow disproved itself. He totally ignored my real argument and dismissed the other article I quoted by referring to the website as “a fringe organization.” It appears that Mr. DeBaun cannot handle the truth.

My letter was intended to show that gravity does not prevent CO2 from leaving the atmosphere, but Mr. DeBaun sidestepped the real issue by creating his own straw man argument. While admitting that some of Al Gore’s predictions have been false, he then makes the misleading claim that climate change predictions have been “reasonably accurate.” But there is an excellent article on the website, which exposes that blatantly false claim. It is appropriately titled “Climate prediction models are all rigged...” The article roundly exposes the climate change cult, stating, “A growing number of experts are speaking out about fraud within the climate science community. Climate science is rife with statistical manipulation, data tampering and other integrity issues — and that’s before politics get involved.”

The website is worth visiting and the article is certainly worth reading. In the meantime, rest assured that carbon dioxide is not going to suffocate you.

