Sunday, October 06, 2024

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| October 6, 2019 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Oct. 6, 1969 — FIRST PAPER OUT

The SHS Cedar Post staff produced its first paper a week earlier than last year, and its fourth issue will be released Friday. Sue Hamilton is editor; Margaret Lichter and Linda Finney, co-news editors; Gail Hunter, business manager. Reporters are Shelley Bistline, Gwen Wylie, Dave Evans, Brownie Balison and Jim Warren.



Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Thompson are residing at Moscow where both are students at the University of Idaho. The couple was married Aug. 30 in the Bethel Baptist Church, Moscow.

The bride, the former Miss Judy K. Eachon, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Eachon, Jr., Bayview. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Helen Thompson, Sandpoint.



“A pay phone will be installed outside the office as soon as possible,” says SHS Student Body President Steve Klatt. Students favor the idea for its convenience and less confusion in the office where a phone for student usage has been. Student Council officers are Klatt; Bruce Carter, vice president; and Randy James, secretary.



Officers selected by the SHS Sophomore Class are Jim Olson, president; Phil Klatt, vice president; and Kris Kotschevar, secretary.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Oct. 6, 1919 — CITY BREVITIES

The county road to Talache will be completed in a week. The county’s gas tractor is being used on the work. The road on out to Sagle will be cleared and put in with another season if weather conditions do not permit finishing it this fall.



A naturalization official from Seattle was here Tuesday, doing the legal work to make four ex-soldiers of the American army citizens of the United States: Herman Frank, formerly of Switzerland, who has lived in Sandpoint since 1914, enlisted in old Company A, 2d Idaho infantry in 1917; Gustave Albert John Johnson, a native of Sweden; Conrad Sund, a native of Norway, has made his home for some years in Sandpoint and served in the army; and Agner Peter Isaacson of Clarksfork, a native of Sweden, who has gone by the name of Reed since coming to this country, and who had his name officially changed to Reed by Judge Flynn.



The Martin bombing plane passed over Hope Sunday afternoon about 4 o’clock. It is the first plane to cross the Rocky mountains. It created quite an excitement among the citizens, being the first plane some of them had ever seen.

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