Sunday, October 06, 2024

The hardest part of getting healthy is the first step

| October 9, 2019 1:00 AM

Just take that first step. Honest. Getting healthy begins with just that — one step.

Have you ever wondered why your motivation toward living a healthier lifestyle is easily halted by the slightest setback? Individuals today are extremely focused on immediate gratification. I have personally witnessed this in my business more often than I care to admit.

There are no magic pills or potions available in today’s market that will provide you, exclusively, with the physique you are searching to acquire. Yet, there are billions spent each year on weight loss gimmicks that promise to provide you with such.

And, society believes in those tricky marketing ploys that are placed in the advertising campaigns every day. Trust in science. Science doesn’t lie.

Obtaining a healthier lifestyle is very simple and does not consist of pills or potions and will NOT break your budget.

Isn’t it refreshing to know that you can obtain the physique that you’ve always wanted without buying fancy exercise clothes, without going to an exercise club and without feeling as if you are losing your mind trying to figure it all out. It isn’t really that hard. The most difficult part of the entire process is starting.

So I would suggest you get the hardest part out of the way first and just start moving. Take that first step.

You will begin noticing results in the way you look and the way you feel which will keep that motivation to continue on your path of healthy living alive within you.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness trainer. She can be reached at