Bruce Hollett
1. After returning home to the Hoodoo Valley where I grew up, I saw the need for improving the education system and felt that as a trustee I would be able to give back while supporting the youth of our community.
2. I am third generation in this community and I understand the history, the way of life and sense of community in our rural district. I am honest and volunteer my time to support youth programs throughout our county.
3. There are multiple important issues that our district must face on a daily basis. All of these challenges stem around a common obstacle — funding. Many of these obstacles are created by unfunded mandates by the Idaho Legislature.
4. I will continue to support our district searching for and obtaining grant monies to help bridge the gap in funding educational programs. I will also continue communication with our local state legislators calling for financial accountability for their unfunded state mandates.
5. Our state legislators have done Idaho’s educational system a huge injustice, initiating state laws without providing funding for these mandates. This hits small rural districts harder than larger populated districts. State mandates should be financed by the state uniformly across all districts. Every child should be offered the same educational opportunities regardless of district of residence. Levies and bonds are a temporary “band-aid” to funding shortfalls, not the solution. I think that our Legislature should fund education per the Idaho Constitution.
6. I strive to be a part of a community that will leave our youth with an excellent education system. This will in turn provide them with knowledge and skills to improve their community and our state for generations to come.
7. The elected trustee position with the West Bonner County School District is a volunteer position. I will continue to work as a full-time paramedic. My schedule allows me to dedicate the time needed to affectively support our school district in the role as a trustee.
8. I am eager to continue my work with the board of trustees of the West Bonner County School District on our journey to “Strive for Greatness.”
9. I think the harshest criticism has been and continues to be from members of the community that do not understand rules and laws that govern the position of school board trustee. I have been publicly accused of being unwilling to openly communicate with members of the community who do not understand the rules governing trustees and undisclosed conversations. I do and continue to explain state rules that govern the board of trustees regarding board decisions and open communications.
10. I will continue to support youth by pushing for equitable education in a safe environment that is funded by the state of Idaho.
11. I think each candidate should be asked how they currently dedicate themselves for the betterment of our youth of western Bonner County.
I currently serve as a trustee for WBCSD for the past four years. I support our students by attending school functions, judging senior projects, reading to elementary students and attending sporting events. Hosted six foreign exchange students from five countries, sharing the culture of West Bonner County as our students learn of other cultures. Active with the Priest River Youth Athletic Association which provides sports opportunities for elementary youth. Active leader with Bonner County 4-H, promoting education in agriculture, arts and science.