Margaret W. Hall
1. I care about our community, our youth and future. I believe that investing in education is critical and that we must work together to do so to ensure that we have a strong vibrant community where young people want to stay, return or move with their families; a place where people want to start and grow their businesses or dreams. I was inspired to help make this happen.
2. I have brought to the office, and will continue to do so, a keen attention to detail; a unique educational and work background that includes financial, educational, legal, organizational, and development (community and construction) experience; and a willingness to understand and balance differing perspectives and needs.
3. The most important issues confronting WBCSD are: 1) The need to improve communications and build greater trust among, and between, district staff, parents, students, taxpayers, other concerned citizens, and board members; and 2) Increased stabilization of funding so that WBCSD can offer solid and competitive educational opportunities to students. Without good (civil and respectful) communications, trust breaks down. With fluctuating funding, it is extremely difficult to undertake solid, long-range planning that leads to greater improvement.
4. Regarding Issue #1, I will continue to advocate for better engagement among community members. I support current board efforts to retain outside assistance to help assess ways to improve communications (internally and externally) plus implement a more comprehensive superintendent evaluation process.
Regarding #2, I will continue to review the budget critically to balance taxpayer needs while getting the best education for our students; and will continue to discuss funding challenges and possible solutions with lawmakers.
5. Idaho Constitution, Article IX, Section 1 states, “… it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.” Maintenance/Operations levies (needing a simple majority) fail as a funding solution to district shortfalls. Running levies puts community members and adjacent school districts at odds with one another. Supermajority facilities bonds defer critical construction and renovation needs, increasing safety issues and costs.
6. My hope is that my legacy is our legacy, which would include more engaged communications among all stakeholders, increasingly improved student scores; increased Career Technical Education opportunities for students; upgraded facilities that have further increased safety, energy efficiency, and an improved learning environment; and increased retention of students and staff. Ultimately, we are pulling together as a team, not at odds with one another.
7. Rather than a typical workday, I need to look at a typical week. Currently, as a trustee, I prepare for board/committee meetings by reading packets thoroughly, noting questions/concerns, and forwarding those to the board clerk; research (policy and current educational) issues as needed; respond to email; and, over the year, as feasible, attend site council meetings, senior project presentations, career days and other events, plus make general visits to district schools and meet with legislators.
8. I look forward to continuing to learn from, interact and work with WBCSD staff, students and the community to make WBCSD one that stands out in the region and state as a positive example. I also look forward to continuing to be a strong advocate for WBCSD and provide sound guidance and support to WBCSD in order to prepare our community’s children for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
9. Expected criticisms are: 1) Low test scores (college/career preparedness). Governor Little’s Our Kids, Idaho’s Future Task Force is also reviewing the issue. To improve WBCSD scores, I support board efforts to better understand and utilize district data to find appropriate ways to integrate benchmarks into superintendent’s Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Plan processes. 2) Decisions made as a current trustee. Decisions were made after reviewing, researching, and better understanding the issues, related policies and laws.
10. The vision of the West Bonner County School District is to “strive for greatness,” which may seem overly simple to some but it is not. It takes all of us as a community to make such a vision happen. No matter what role we, collectively or individually, play, our support is critical to help our young people achieve such a vision.
11. What is your basic philosophy of life?
Mine is two-fold:
1. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and
2. If I am going to criticize something, then I had better take steps to find positive solutions … including rolling up my sleeves and becoming engaged.