Thursday, March 06, 2025

Steve Geiger

| October 16, 2019 1:00 AM

1. About 15 years ago I was asked several times to be on the council and, at the time, I was too busy working at my business and raising my family. In 2008, I was appointed to the council and ever since I like the challenge and having a voice in our city’s future. This will be my fifth election; I have served six years on council and almost four years as mayor. It has been an honor serving our city.

2. Dedication to our city is No. 1. This job requires close to 100 meeting per year and you have to be available for whatever comes up. An example is when I got a call on a Sunday evening from a resident stating that, due to spring rains, a few residence were close to being flooded and asked “what are you going to do about it?” This job requires you to be fast on your feet. You truly need to care about the city you were entrusted to take care of.

3. No. 1. We only have sewer and water to about half of our city, this is controlling and regulating our growth and we need to find a solution.

No. 2. Revenue sharing. Our city is the commercial hub of Bonner County, we have over 260 businesses, a work force of close to 3,000 and we produce over $18 million in sales tax revenue for our state. The decades-old formula only returns $120,000 to our city. If you would like more information on this subject, call me at 208-290-1966.

4. Regarding the sewer it comes down to whether or not there is enough capacity and the cost of the needed improvements to encompass more of our city. Basically it boils down to money. Our city relies on the Kootenai Ponderay Sewer District for our sewer needs. For water, we are thankful to the city of Sandpoint for our water service. There is plenty of capacity and the majority of our city is in the water boundaries.

The revenue sharing formula hurts our city and I have brought this to the attention of our local legislators and I have also talked with our governor regarding this concern.

5. I am 100% behind the tax. Without this funding option, our city won’t be able to pursue “safe lake” access. During the summer, we have 400-500 people who cross the tracks illegally every month. With more people moving here every year the problem is only going to get worse.

For the “Field of Dreams,” I have lived here for over 27 years, my kids played on the original fields over 20 years ago and there have been several attempts to try to get something started out there. About 10 or 15 years ago, a proposed recreational district tax failed. The last few years we have had a lot of interest in a recreational site at the old UI property. With the increased interest in having more recreational opportunities, I think this would be a great asset for our city’s future.

6. My answer to question 5 covers my thoughts.7. Tough question for me, you see I am not here for my own personal gratification. I am here to help guide and manage our city’s needs. I would like to think that when people come in contact with us at the city hall or police department that they feel like their concerns or issues are taken seriously and that they feel satisfied when everything gets worked out. At the end of the day I would like to keep our small town a friendly feel.

8. As it has been for the past 3 ½ years … very busy, on call and being available when needed and at times demanding. I would not have it any other way. You would not be any good at this job if you did not truly care about this city and give it all of the time that it requires. This is not your 40-hour-a-week job that starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m.

9. Well since I am currently elected, just a return to normal day-to-day operations, busy, demanding and on-call. I live to work. Being entrusted in the care of our city has been an honor and a privilege.

10. I am very in touch with our community and have always been the one to go directly to the source of the problem or issue. I do not see this as an issue.

11. Get out and vote. Remember you have no complaining rights if you do not vote.

12. Do you think that you are qualified to ask the voters to elect you to run our city when you have only gone to two City Council meetings, months ago, and no other city function like city clean-up weekends, Ponderay Neighbor Days or anything that would show that you care for our entire city?” I am sure that everyone’s answer would be the same as mine: “Of course not.”