Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lady Cats eager for state

by Dylan Greene Sports Editor
| October 31, 2019 1:00 AM

LEWISTON — Clark Fork volleyball isn’t satisfied with an undefeated season in league play and a district title.

The Lady Cats (12-3) are hungry for more and they will have a chance to do that starting 9 a.m. Friday when they face Rockland in the 1A Division II state volleyball tournament at Lewiston High School.

Clark Fork finished fifth at state for the second straight last year and will be looking for revenge against Rockland who beat them in four sets in the state tourney in 2018 to end the Lady Cats season.

Head coach Michelle Valliere said she thinks her team has something to prove to the other schools at state that they hardly ever see,

“We’ve been to state the last three years but we haven’t really done anything at state so I think a lot of people don’t see us as a threat,” she said.

Senior outside hitter and North Star League MVP Ellie Kiebert said having an opportunity to get back at Rockland in the first round of state provides a little extra motivation for the Lady Cats.

“Being able to play them and potentially beating them because we know how they play is going to be really cool,” she said.

The goal for most of the players on the team is to get to the second day of state, but for senior middle hitter Sophie McMahon its not about winning.

“I think if we just play our best and just play really well and leave it all out there, I think I’ll be happy with wherever we go and whatever we do,” she said.

In order to ensure the team makes it to the second day of state, Kiebert said communication is key.

“I think we need to be the loudest team in the gym out of all eight teams because taking control of the gym is part of winning a game,” she said.

But that’s easier said they done. Senior libero Aleehia Valliere said she tries to lead the team by yelling and calling for balls on the court, but its a balance because you have to consider how each person on the court deals with that.

“You can’t take it too far because sometimes people are like ‘whoa you’re being to aggressive,’ but you just got to know the right way and be like ‘hey you got it, keep talking,’ and you got to talk to yourself,” she said.

Regardless, communication, covering tips and placing the ball strategically even when things aren’t set up perfect will be key for the Lady Cats if they want to beat Rockland, Michelle said.

Kiebert, McMahon, Aleehia and the rest of the seniors will all be playing their final matches for Clark Fork at the state tourney. The trio has been to state the previous two years so they know what its like to go.

For Kiebert, the best part is being able to tell people you made it to state. For McMahon, the stakes of the tourney and the pressure is what she enjoys while Aleehia appreciates the nostalgia of the event and the swagger that comes along with being at state.

“You feel almost so cool walking into the gym because its like we made it, we’re here, we’re just as good as you guys, we’re hear to compete for that trophy,” Aleehia said.

All three agreed that the bus rides to and from the tournament are something everyone enjoys. Most of the time the long journey in a crammed bus is passed by reminiscing on times spent with each other, listening to music and dancing to songs such as “I Like It,” by Cardi B when they bus driver isn’t looking because we all know you’re not supposed to stand while the bus is moving. But, who actually follows rules.

“Sometimes everyone is just asleep and sometimes everyone is just blasting music,” McMahon said.

When the Lady Cats season does come to an end at state, Kiebert, McMahon and Aleehia all admitted they will be emotional but will have no regrets because they will have given everything they had to their team.

“If we do good and make it to the second day, it will be happy tears,” Aleehia said. “If we don’t, it will definitely be sad tears but its going to be hard no matter what.”