Saturday, May 18, 2024

We can all be more than our 'Thomas moment'

by Hollis Stewart
| September 20, 2019 1:00 AM

John 20, verses 24 through 27, tells us how Thomas became famous for being doubting Thomas.

However, is this really why he should be famous? Shouldn’t he be famous for being the first to recognize Jesus as Lord and God after the resurrection, as told in John 20:28?

Maybe he should be famous for traveling to India between 52-72AD where he established seven-and-a-half Christian churches. This was done before his murder by a Hebrew priest.

In the beginning of the 21st century, a survey done in India showed that over four million Thomasite Christians still practice Christianity as Thomas practiced.

My question to my brothers and sisters in Christ is: Am I living in my Thomas moment or requiring someone else to live in their Thomas moment?

If so, isn’t it time to stop? The reason for the term “doubting Thomas” began with a brief moment when Thomas questioned the resurrection of Christ. This is why most people know Thomas, but he was so much more than this as a disciple of Christ.

We can be more than our “Thomas moment” if we choose to spread the love of Jesus throughout the world as Thomas has done.

Hollis Stewart is a intern minister at Church of God, 221 S. Division Ave., Sandpoint.